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Early ultrasound with a medical indication

The early stages of your pregnancy can be a very exciting time. You may, however, have a few concerns about your pregnancy. Perhaps you have experienced minor bloodloss or had a previous miscarriage. In these cases your midwife/gynaecologist can provide you with a  letter of referral for a viability ultrasound scan. This scan has the aim of ensuring you that your unborn baby is healthy and it’s heart is beating. You do not have a medical referral but you’d still like to see your baby at an early stage of your pregnancy? No problem! We offer several different private antenatal ultrasounds, including the early ultrasound.

At which stage of pregnancy can the viability scan be done?

The vitality ultrasound is done between the 7th and 10th week of pregnancy. In most cases this ultrasound will be done vaginally for the simple reason that the embryo will most likely still be too small to see it externally. We recommend coming to your appointment with a full bladder and not in the accompany of any children. This will make the appointment a great deal calmer for you and taking into consideration that any possible bad news may be upsetting for the children. For more tips about your appointment, please take a look at our ultrasound centre.

What will we look for during the viability scan?

The main aim of the viability scan is to check on your unborn child’s ‘vitality’. This means; check the beating heart. To ensure the pregnancy is developing normally we will also be checking a few other things such as:

  • the beating of the baby’s heart
  • the possibility of you expecting multiples
  • the normal development of the pregnancy within the womb 

Can we see a beating heart and a well-developed embryo? Then the risk of a miscarriage will be reduced from 10% to approximately 1-3%.

Costs and reimbursement for a viability scan

There are no costs associated with the viability ultrasound scan if there is a medical indication. You will therefore need a referral. This ultrasound will subsequently be paid for by the health insurance provider as part of your basic package. The viability ultrasound is in 2D and will take approximately 15 minutes. You will be given 2 black/white photographs afterwards. Would you prefer to have more time with your baby? Then read all about our private antenatal ultrasounds that you can book at your own convenience,

Would you like to have your viability ultrasound done in The Hague? Book an appointment now

Our staff at Het Haagse Hof look forward to welcoming you to one of our two centrally located centres in The Hague. You can meet your baby in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. Please keep in mind that you will need a referral for the medical viability scan. Book your appointment now.

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